Lingusta İngilizce derslerini ücretsiz deneyin ve Türkiye'nin kullandığı yeni dil eğitim metodunu şimdi keşfedin.
dark (isim/sıfat) Kara, karanlık, koyu, belirsiz, izbe, ışıksız Come home before it gets dark, I need to talk to you…
female (sıfat) Kadınsal, kadın cinsine özgü, dişi Female lions are the hunters of the entire clan while alpha male protects…
gang (isim) Çete, şebeke The police take the city's the biggest and the most brutal gang members to the custody.…
ghetto (isim) Getto, kenar mahalle, azınlık mahallesi, yoksul mahallesi My sister lives in a ghetto and she is considering moving…
good night (ünlem) İyi geceler At 10 PM in our house, everyone says goodnight to each other and goes to…
history (isim) Tarih The history is written by the winners. (Tarihi kazananlar yazar.) History will write about the sacrifices you…
intro (isim) Giriş, intro, tanıtım When the intro music started playing, everyone in the hall started to look at the…
jungle (isim) Orman In the Amazon jungle, there are hundreds of thousands of different species of plants and animals. (Amazon…
legend (isim) Efsane Every culture in the world has some unique or common legends that have been told for centuries.…
month (isim) Ay This month our cafe made so much profit that I can pay all my bills. (Bu ay…
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